Thursday, February 13, 2014

Revised Bloom's taxonomy

Revised Bloom's  Taxonomy  (2001)
  by  Lorin  W. Andersonson, David  R.Krathwohl,  Peter  W. Airasian, Kathlean A. Cruikshank and others under the  title 'A Taxonomy for  Learning, Teaching and Assessing'.

Two  forms of dimensions

a.  Knowledge  dimension
b.  Cognitive process dimension

Knowledge  dimension

Four categories
1.  Factual  knowledge
2.  Conceptual knowledge
3.  Procedural knowlege
4.  Metacognitive  knowledge
Structure of  the  knowledge  dimension of  the   revised taxonomy
a. Factual  knowledge
The  basic  elements  that  students must know  to be acquainted  with a discipline or solve problems  in it.
1. Knowledge of terminology
2. Knowledge of specific details and  elements
b. Conceptual  knowledge
The interrelationships among  the  basic elements within a larger  structure that enable them to   function together
1. Knowledge  of classifications  and categories
2.  Knowledge of principles  and generalizations
3. Knowledge  of  theories,  models  and structures
c. Procedural knowledge
How  to do  something;  methods  of inquiry, and  criteria for  using sklls, alogarithams, techniques, and  method.
1.  Knowledge  of subject- specific skills and  alogarithams
2.  Knowledge of  subject-  specific techniques  and  methods
3.  Knowledge of criteria for determining  when to  use appropriate   
d.  Metacognitive knowledge
  Knowlege of cognition  in  general as well as  awareness and knowledge  of one's  own  cognition. Three types  of metacognitive  knowledge are:
1.  Strategic knowledge
Knowledge of general   strategies for  learning, thinking &  problem solving
2. Knowledge about  cognitive tasks, including appropriate contextual  and conditional knowledge
The  knowledge  of cognitive task as  well as when  and  why  to  use the different strategies
3. Self knowledge
  Knowledge about the self (the person variable) in  relation  to both cognitive and motivational  component of performance. Knowledge  of one's strengths and weaknesses.
Six  categories  into 19 specific cognitive processes.
Cognitive  process  dimensions  are
1. Remember
Retrieving  relevant knowledge from long  term memory
a.  recognizing
b.  recalling
2. Understand
Determining  the meaning  of instructional  message,  including oral, written and graphic communication.
a.  interpreting
b.  exemplifying
c.  classifying
d.  summarising
e.   inferring
f.   comparing
g.   explaining
3. Apply
Carrying  out or using a procedure  in a given situation
a.  executing
b.  implementing
4. Analyse
Breaking material into its constituent parts and detecting  how the parts  related  to one another to  an overall  structure  or  purpose.
a. differentiating
b. organizing
c. attributing
5. Evaluate
Making judgements based on criteria  and standards.
a. Checking
b. Critiquing
6. Create
Putting  elements together to  form  a  novel, coherent whole or make an  original  product.
a. generating
b.  planning
c. producing

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