Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Aggarwal, J.C.(1994). Theory and Principles of Education. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.

Garett, H.E. (1981).Statistics in Psychology and Education. Bombay: Vakils, Fetter and Simons Ltd.

Journals/ Newsletters

Chauhan, C.P.(2006). Protection of Environment. University News, 44,20-26

Gassert, Linda Ramey et al.(1994).Re-examining connections Museums as Science Learning Environment. Science Education, 78, 345-360.

Dissertation abstracts/ theses

Beena, G.S.(1998). Preparation and Testing of Discovery Learning Model for Teaching Biology at Primary Level. M.Ed.Thesis, University of Kerala.
Chitriv, V.G.(1983). Evaluating differential effectiveness of Ausubel and Bruner strategies for acquisition of concepts in Mathematics. Doctoral Thesis, Nagpur University.

Encyclopaedias/Dictionaries/ Reports

Encyclopaedia Britanica. Vol.8(1970). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britanica,Inc.
Mitzel, Harold(Ed.).(1982). Encyclopaedia of Educational Research, (vol.3), New York: The Free Press.
UPHOF, J.C.(1959). Dictionary of Economic plants. Newyork: Hafner Publishing Co.
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Disinger, John F.(1992).Environmental Education Research News. ERIC DATA  Record 2 of 4.

Mahadevan, Anandavalli(1989). Multidisciplinary model for Environmental Education a feasibility survey at school. Paper presented at the Asian Regional Conference on Educational Technology at the Institute of Management, Thiruvananthapuram.

Need of the Environmental Education for Students in Global Scenario  Dr.Renuka Sonny L.R.   Principal   Kerala Unive...