Peck and Wilson- Technology Integrated with teaching
Jonassen, Peck, and Wilson's (1999) Learning With Technology is about how teachers can use new educational technologies to create meaningful learning environments. Students
constructing knowledge with technology, as opposed to merely obtaining information from computers. The goal of education at all levels is to engage students in meaningful learning.
Learning by doing, learning by exploring, learning by reflecting, learning by constructing, and learning by visualizing with technology. Different Internet technologies -- chat, email,
bulletin boards -- can be used to create powerful new tele-learning communities.
Teaching with technologies places schooling, curriculum, and technology within a larger socio-cultural context in which technological transformations that have occurred in
modern society. The role of technology in shaping new socio-cultural contexts and the implications of these contexts for learning and teaching in the twenty-first century. Learning
with technology is focused on the learner and the construction of meaningful knowledge with technology.
Introducing the challenge of teaching with technology in today ís ever-changing society. Society has moved from a print-dependant, industrial age to a postmodern era deeply
influenced by electronic media. Learning With Technology is focused on the learner and the construction of meaningful knowledge with technology.
Technology refers to the designs and environments that engage learners (by Jonassen, Peck and Wilson 1999). The focus of both constructivism and technology are on the creation of
learning environments. The integration of technology in the classroom, highlighting the connection between constructivism and technology. The focus is on the constructivist view of
learning as an active process of constructing rather than acquiring knowledge, and instruction as a process that supports construction rather than communicating knowledge.
Technologies, primarily computers, help build knowledge bases, which will “engage the learners more and result in more meaningful and transferable knowledge. Learners
function as designers using the technology as tool for analyzing the world. Accessing information, interpreting and organizing their personal knowledge and representing what they
know to others” (Jonassen, 1994). Technological tools such as spreadsheets, databases, expert systems, video conferencing and others can be used by students to analyze subject
matter, develop representative mental models, and then transcribe them into knowledge bases.
Within the shift in focus from objectivist to the constructivist context domain, technology can play an integral part in the learning environment. The richness of the technology
permits us to provide a richer and more exciting (entertaining) learning environment. Our concern is the new understandings and new capabilities that are possible through the use of
technology. By integrating technology with constructivist methods, such as problem based learning and project based learning, learners are more responsible for and active in the
learning process. Constructivism offers flexibility to teachers to individualize learning for each student while using technology tools to augment cognitive and meta cognitive